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Bulletins (Weekly Newsletter)

Hawthorn Catholic parish bulletin

(Click or Tap the dates below to see the Bulletin)

In the News

Healing Mass Pic2

​​​​​​​​The Parish Office is closed

We will reopen on Tuesday 28 January 2025


Car Park Weekday closure

The Parish car park in Lynch St will closed during the week from 6th January 2025. If you have limited mobility and need to park close to the Immaculate Conception Church during the week, please use the gate on Burwood Rd and park in the church grounds.
The car park will be open on weekends.


Children's Liturgy at 9:30am Mass

We are delighted to be able to extend a particular welcome to children from Prep to Year 6 inclusive at our 9.30 am Sunday Masses. Each Sunday during school term* children have the opportunity at this Mass to take part in their own Liturgy of the Word which involves reading and discussion of the day’s Gospel from the Lectionary for young people, and a range of other appropriate activities (*except when St Joseph’s School Masses are held).
For enquiries, please contact Vivienne Fleming via the Parish Office or see more information 
here. We look forward to welcoming you and your children from the start of the school year.


The Jubilee – Pilgrims of Hope

Every 25 years, the Church declares a Jubilee Year, a year of pilgrimage and spiritual renewal. The theme of the 2025 Jubilee Year is “Pilgrims of Hope”.

What is a Jubilee?
Jubilees are relatively rare occurrences, so for those of us who might not be familiar with what they are, a jubilee is a special year of grace and conversion, involving prayer, pilgrimage and sacramental repentance, held every 25 years or during other years as called for by the Pope. The most recent (ordinary) jubilee was the Great Jubilee of 2000. Key elements of a jubilee include walking through Holy Doors while on a pilgrimage.

For locals wanting to participate in this year’s Jubilee and unable to travel to Rome, we have good news. Following the official opening of Jubilee 2025: Pilgrims of Hope, the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne has revealed the 13 churches and shrines within the Archdiocese that will be designated Pilgrim Places for the purposes of the 2025 Jubilee, with the majestic St Patrick’s Cathedral serving as the principal Pilgrim Place.

While there won’t be Holy Doors through which to walk - those are reserved for specific places in Rome and the Vatican - pilgrims will be eligible to receive Jubilee indulgences by visiting a designated Pilgrim Place within the Archdiocese. see locations here


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