Our parish Is guided by our Parish Priest Fr Des Dwyer SJ, assisted by additional Jesuit priests in the Hawthorn Parish and the members of the Leadership committees:
Parish Pastoral Council (PPC)
Policies and procedures are in place to formalise the protection of children and others.
Priests at Hawthorn Catholic Parish

Fr Des Dwyer SJ - Parish Priest
Des Dwyer is Parish Priest at Immaculate Conception Hawthorn. Born in Warrnambool he was educated at Xavier College. After leaving school he joined the Jesuits and was ordained in 1974. He did post graduate studies in Spirituality at St Louis University USA, and returned to Sydney to teach in Jesuit Schools for the next 5 years.
He was appointed Novice Master in 1983 and in 1990 went to North Sydney to work with the Business Community. He is a Professional Associate of the St James Ethics Centre, and has worked with both the Public and Private sectors on ethical issues in business and the Professions. In 2004 he moved to Hawthorn and Provincial Delegate for Formation and Province Treasurer.
Parish Priest:
Fr Des Dwyer SJ
Assisting Priests:
Fr Peter L’Estrange SJ
Fr Paul Horan SJ
About the Parish Pastoral Council
The Hawthorn Parish Pastoral Council provides the means for parishioners to come together with their priests and share responsibility for the development of their Parish community of faith and the mission of the Catholic Church in Hawthorn.
Our Vision
The Hawthorn Catholic Parish strives to be a Christian Community focused on Jesus, helping all through worship celebrate God’s presence and action and expressing our faith through outreach, service and justice.

Fr Des Dwyer SJ Parish Priest

William Fleming Chair of Parish Council

Georgina Docherty

David Doolan

Megan Gilmour

Sharon Kenyon-Smith

Berny Kirwan

Fr Peter L'Estrange

Stephen Maule

Genevieve Passlow

Chris Ralph

Tony Stolarek
Parish Pastoral Council members
Fr Des Dwyer SJ
William Fleming (Chair)
Georgina Docherty
David Doolan
Megan Gilmour
Sharon Kenyon-Smith, Principal St Joseph's
Berny Kirwan
Fr Peter L’Estrange SJ
Stephen Maule
Genevieve Passlow
Chris Ralph
Tony Stolarek
Professional Standards documents
Accessibility Policy - Details of the Hawthorn Catholic Parish's Accessibility Policy
Jesuit Province for professional standards
National Committee for Professional standards
Privacy Policy - Details of the Hawthorn Catholic Parish's Privacy Policy
Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne - Professional Standards Unit
We acknowledge that we stand on land for which the Wurundjeri people are the traditional custodians, we remember their forebears with respect and commit ourselves to working for reconciliation and justice.
About the School Advisory Board
The School Advisory Board acts as a forum for discussion on matters concerning education in the Parish.
It brings together in a spirit of co-operation, the Parish Priest, Principal, representatives of parents and teachers, and suitably qualified parishioners so that responsible and informed advice can be given to the Parish Priest.
The Board's responsibilities can be divided into two sections - those that are concerned with the operation of the Parish School and those concerned with other aspects of education in the Parish.
Mrs Sharon Kenyon-Smith (Principal)
Tel 9818 7570
Email principal@sjhawthorn.catholic.edu.au
Australian Jesuits
Information about the Australian Jesuits may be found on the Australian Jesuits Province website: jesuit.org.au
Jesuit Communications and development
Information about Becoming a Jesuit may be found on the Australian Jesuits website under Vocations