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Code of Conduct

Declaration and acceptance

Every three years our clergy, staff and volunteers are required to sign our Code of Conduct (see below) in regard to behavioural expectations while performing their duties in our Parish and we must have a record that you have signed this document.


You can download a copy of the Hawthorn Parish Code of Conduct for your records.


Please READ the Code of Conduct below, and then complete and SUBMIT the Declaration form. This will automatically notify the Parish Office that you have read and accepted the Code of Conduct, and no further action is required by you.


Family Praying


I have read, and agree to abide by, the Safeguarding Children and Young People Code of Conduct when engaged with children and young people within the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne.

Thanks for submitting!

Hawthorn Catholic Parish Code of Conduct 

Safeguarding Children, Young People & Vulnerable Adults


Central to the mission of the Hawthorn Catholic Parish is a commitment to fostering the dignity, self, esteem and integrity of children, young people and vulnerable adults and providing them with a safe, supportive and enriching environment to develop spiritually, physically, intellectually, emotionally and socially. We hold the care, safety and wellbeing of those in our community as our fundamental responsibility and fully support the implementation of the child safe standards.

This Code of Conduct has a specific focus on safeguarding children and young people at Hawthorn Parish against sexual, physical, psychological and emotional abuse or neglect. It is intended to complement child protection legislation and the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne's "Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy" as well as the Jesuit and other professional/occupational codes and relevant Child Safety Policies in our parish. 
All parish staff, volunteers, contractors, clergy, parishioners and carers at Hawthorn Parish are expected to actively contribute to the parish culture that respects the dignity of each person and affirms the Gospel values of love, gratitude, respect, empathy and courage. They are required to observe child safe principles and expectations for acceptable behaviour towards and in the company of children, as noted below. 

Keeping children and young people safe from abuse and harm

  • Not engage in any form of child abuse or harm including emotional, physical and sexual abuse or neglect.

  • Avoid any form of physical punishment or degrading, cruel, frightening or humiliating treatment.

  • Ensure that physical contact is appropriate, non-intrusive and not sexual in nature.

  • Avoid developing relationships with children and young people that can be construed as favouritism and/or grooming.

  • Use respectful language and tone when communicating with children and young people and avoid language that harms, discourages, frightens and humiliates children and young people.

  • Avoid language that is sexual, discriminatory and racist in nature including suggestive humour, jokes or innuendo.

Creating a physically and psychologically safe environment

  • Ensure that an adult is never alone with a child or young person and they do not seek to make contact with a child or young person that places them at risk of abuse 

  • Ensure that children and young people in your care are appropriately supervised at all times.

  • Use fair, respectful and developmentally appropriate strategies to promote positive behaviour of children and young people

  • Ensure that photographs or video of children and young people are taken with the consent of parents or guardians within the context of the parish, agency or entity activity.

  • Use social media and digital communication in a manner that does not exploit or place children and young people at risk

  • Act to remove and/or minimise any physical or environmental risks that could adversely impact children and young people.

  • Not consume alcohol or illicit drugs before or while engaging in the care of children and young people or being adversely affected by prescription medication.

  • Not supply alcohol and drugs to children and young people.

  • Immediately notify management if charged or convicted with a criminal offence (if subject to a criminal history record check in relation to your involvement with a CAM parish, agency or entity). 

Supporting cultural safety and inclusion

  • Promote the safety, participation and empowerment of children and young people.

  • Support the inclusion of children and young people with a disability; from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds; same-sex attracted, intersex and gender diverse children and young people; and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people.

Promoting respectful relationships

  • Engage in positive and respectful interactions with children and young people that uphold their rights and dignity.

  • Listen to and respect the views of children and young people.

Taking action to safeguard children and young people

  • Listen to and respond supportively to the concerns of children and young people in relation to their safety.

  • Report any child safety concerns, reports or disclosures to relevant statutory child protection authorities (e.g. Child Protection (DHHS), Victoria Police) and the Safeguarding Unit, consistent with the requirements of this Policy.


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